Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pembuatan Surat Izin Gangguan (SIG) Dengan Metodologi Berorientasi Objek (Studi Kasus : Kantor Pelayanan Perizinan Terpadu Kota Pangkalpinang)

Melati Suci Mayasari, M.Kom, Ibnu Choirul Awwal, M.Kom


Developments in technology and the world of knowledge which will rapidly affect the pattern and mode of action, which we feel is especially computer technology rapidly. Computerization at this very influential in all areas, as the computerization can save time, effort and cost that more optimum desired results. The reason of creation Disturbance Permit on Integrated Licensing Service Office Pangkalpinang city that was previously done manually done by computer, so the problem can be resolved effectively and efficiently to improve service to the public, especially residents pangkalpinang.

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