Intisari / Abstract
Along with the development of technology, sometimes it is difficult to teach children to learn, kids would rather play than learning, one of them playing computer games, computer games have become the trend of the drugging of young people and old. Many games are created with a variety of different genres. In a computer or other multimedia device was not complete if there is not a game.
Making games can be done in various ways. In making this time the author educational game using Adobe Flash CS 3. In making this game writers make elements that are used in the form of characters (sprites), setting background, and other graphical elements using Adobe Photoshop CS 3, and Corel Draw X5, while to process the background music (background sounds) and sound effects (sound effects) using Audacity, after a complete graphics and sound material, the material is imported into the library in Adobe Flash CS 3 for organized into a game. Elements that have been prepared and made later authors collated the scene, layers and frames in accordance with what the author designed. Here the authors combine actionsript and motion that this game becomes more interesting to play. The last step to replace the standard icon with ResouceHack flash game that has the image of the game for education.
Game "Baby Lost In The Jungle" This is a game genre Education. Education in this game is aimed at children aged 3-5 years, but in general, this application can be used for all those who can not read and write, because in this game teaches you how to write and read with a fun method.
Teks Lengkap:
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