Afif Bimantara, Mohammad Suyanto, Eko Boedijanto

Intisari / Abstract

The use of multimedia-based educational program that incorporates some features to make this technology attractive for children with autism, it improves care for children with autism.

This research concentrate on the implementation of a computer-based learning app for children with autism named "Ahada" made to improve the ability of autistic children in the areas of motor, sensory, cognitive, and social. Trials conducted with three students with autism in SLB Development Anggita Yogyakarta with equal skill level and between the ages of 5-15 years.

Games on Ahada application is in conformity with the criteria of the right game for children with autism which is explained in classification in previous research. From the analysis of usability on existing games, it can be concluded that, the game can be used well by children with autism. Color analysis concluded that appliction appearance influenced toward autism users and adjustment of application appearance is needed.

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