Dewi Retno Ningsih, Nesha Maharani, Akhmad Dahlan

Intisari / Abstract


Healthy food store Java Qu is one store which is located on the road Anggajaya No.268B, Lean chess, Sleman, Yogyakarta, which originated from online sales, as demand for goods increased then opened offline stores. The development of today's technology is more advanced, it is necessary to every company in the process of data processing by using computer technology. Existing data processing in health food stores Java Qu is still using manual systems that use the memorandum have not been using a computerized system. Such a process raises a lot of obstacles when performing data processing such as sales data, purchase data, and others.

Looking at the existing problems in health food stores Java Qu, the authors aimed want to design a new system to be both processing and simplify the transaction process sales service, so that the author can develop a system to build software in Java Qu Healthy Food Stores Sleman Yogyakarta . The system is a system that handles the sales and service procedures with the method of application development using Visual Basic 6.0.

The results showed that the system has made it evident to facilitate the sale of services to the healthy food store for Java Qu Sleman, Yogyakarta. Data and reports on Java Qu Store Healthy food can be processed properly and neatly arranged.

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