Intisari / Abstract
Academic data processing in SMP Negeri 1 PanjatanKulonProgo is always faced with the obstacles that arise. Start of new admissions, assessment of student data to the prediction of graduation. In line with the above issues and with more advanced technology in data processing run, it needs to be a need for a device that can help people to be able to solve the problems, especially in the academic information system at SMP Negeri 1 PanjatanKulonProgo.
In order for the information that is made to run well, it is necessary that a computer support equipment. The computer is a system of data processing which consists of hardware (hardware) and software (software). Hardware and software is an inseparable unity which will make up the system. To avoid errors during data entry, the input data must be made before the entry draft, which includes the provision of data entry, data entry of new admissions, assessment data entry, and data entry predictions.
This system can facilitate in providing information about the academic system and assist in the handling of data processing. With the "Academic Information Systems at SMP Negeri 1 PanjatanKulonProgo" the level of service to prospective students are expected to be more efficient than using the manual method.
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