Intisari / Abstract
Information technology is growing rapidly until recently and almost touching many areas and facilitate us in our daily activities that we do. In practice, the technology is designed to ease or alleviate human tasks. Persainganlah which spurred the development of technologies capable of growing rapidly today. One is the 3D technology, one of the interesting technologies.
Augmented Reality is a technology that can combine virtual objects twodimensional or three-dimensional into a real neighborhood and then projecting the virtual objects in real time. As the title above "Augmented Reality Technology For Media Information Marketing On Kupu-kupu Malam Car Auto-Fashion", create a 3D object that is designed and combined with Augmented Reality technology can certainly be an attractive product presentation to customers.
Used as an interactive catalog for 2 Dimention not a presentation that customers get but a presentation 3Dimensi. Even after combined with the technology of Augmented Reality 3D objects that have been made can be directly rotated or moved by you, so that the object can be viewed from any direction but you are moving. So the catalog is made to 3 Dimention objects can interact directly to you.
Teks Lengkap:
Aswin Kaleb, Modeling dengan Maya 7 untuk pemula, Yogyakarta, PT Elex Media Komputindo.
Kok Yung, Teknik Profesional 3D Studio Max, Yogyakarta, PT Elex Media Komputindo.
Suyanto, M. 2007. MARKETING STRATEGY Top Brand Indonesia. Yogyakarta. CV ANDI OFFSET (Penerbit ANDI).
Suyanto, M. 2003. Multimedia Alat Untuk Meningkatkan Keunggulan Bersaing, Yogyakarta, Andi
SAEBA. 2008. Modelling dan Animasi dengan 3D Studio Max 2008 dan 2009. Jakarta. PT Elex Media Komputindo.
http://wibirama.com/dip/2010/11/17/image-processing-instalasi-artoolkit-di-windows-xp/ , Diakses tangal 16 Desember 2012
http://evamairahfani.blogspot.com/2012/08/materi-dari-hardi.html , Diakses tangal 15Desember 2012
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