Intisari / Abstract
Lecturer is one of the main components in a college. The enhancement of lecturer quality influences the quality enhancement of a college. To upgrade the quality of lecturer, AMIKOM CIPTA DARMA Surakarta performs evaluations to the performance of lecturer. The evaluations are still bounded on student satisfaction value toward lecturer's performance in class and have not yet converge with the 'triad of College'. The evaluation processes are still manual and there are no particular application that handled these lecturer performance evaluation. The purpose of this research is to establish a prototype of information system of lecturer performance evaluation based on 'Triad of College' aspect by using Balanced Scorecard method. The stage is began by arrange the Balanced Scorecard to evaluate the lecturer's performance up to establish the prototype of information system based on the arrangement outcomes of Balance Scorecard . The outcome of this research is prototype of information system of lecturer's performance evaluation refer to 'Triad of College' within 21 key performance indicators. By the existance of this prototype as well ease the performance evaluation process and the making of periodical performance evaluation report.
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