Penerapan Data Mining Menggunakan Algoritma Apriori Pada Website Indie Clothing

Ria Andriani, Akhmad Dahlan, Agus Fatkhurohman


Advances in information technology are always accompanied by ever-increasing information needs, and accompanied by a very rapid growth of internet users, this can increase business competitiveness so high that it requires intelligence in business or often called business intelligence to support future needs and predictions for a company.

This study examines the application of business intelligence on a clothing website by implementing data mining and using the Apriori algorithm to find the rules or shopping patterns of customers. From the pattern obtained is used to make predictions of interest and product stock, after knowing the customer's interest to shop as well as products and promos, this can increase sales on the Clothing website.

The results of this study indicate that the number of itemsset produced is a maximum of 3-itemset, mining results can also be used to estimate stock items and interests as well as promo or discount packages and can be a reference to determine the layout when an offline store will open.


Keywords : Data Mining, Apriori Alghoritms, Sales, Business Intelligence

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