Audit Infrastruktur Fiber Optik Udara di Wilayah Pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta Sebagai Langkah Penertiban Kota

Ahmad Sa’di, Enny Susana, Niken Larasati


The existence of fiber optic infrastructure has great benefits, but in its development, the fiber optic poles along the sidewalk disrupt urban planning. Even some public facilities such as traffic lights, information boards are blocked, as happened on  A.M. Sangaji / Mangkubumi Street. Not only that, several reports of residents about the physical condition of the pole endanger the safety of the community because it has been porous or hit by trees when there is a big wind.

Policies related to these conditions are needed, but before making, policies needed accurate and complete information. Therefore, audit activity is very necessary. As a result, there is a discrepancy between data from the Public Works, Housing and Settlement Areas and field audit data. In total, there are 1279 poles. Physical and social conditions found some poles experience corrosion and slope. Some disrupt public facilities such as covering traffic lights, information boards and accessing sidewalks.


Keywords :

Audit, telecommunication governance, fiber optic, e-government, policy.

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