Dwi Nurani, Supriatin Supriatin, Melisa Puspasari, Aullya Rachmawati


Advances in technology are rapidly improving the day is expected to expandcurrent educational services. The need to find an information technology and to conve information is currently very high. Information to be obtained in a rapid, precise, effectiveand accurate. Forms of service which can be given educational institution is aneducational institution web sites that can provide information that could diakases learners any where and anytime. Given current technological advances that have been known to many people andalmost become a necessity. Provision of a site is expected to help the learners to get academic information. So expect not only to help facilitate the students but also toimprove the quality of the institution itself. Problems encountered by students to gain information about academic results are still manual submission of the information that it isless practical and efficient. SMP N 1 Tempuran want to fix the system in conveying information akademik students. The author takes the problem of how to build web based applications to facilitate students in academic information gain. With the new system is expected to reduce the obstacles faced by students from the old system, facilitate teachers in the processing of student data and meet the needs of the expected information.

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