Sandy Kosasi


The management party just always focuses on aspects of business strategies and risks and does not understand the strategies in overall information technology applications. This discrepancy causes less effective and efficient processes of acquire and implement in achieving the company's business goals and objectives. This research aims to find out the maturity score of information technology governance in 30 business retail companies in Pontianak city using purposive sampling technique from AI domain (Acquire and Implement) and COBIT 4.1 framework methodology. The result of the evaluation recommends information technology governance to choose AI4 based on indicators of companies’ goals and performance in a relationship among AI4 and other information technology processes. The research result shows the lowest present score of maturity level in AI4 process (enable operation and use) is at 2,456. The information technology governance, AI4 has a relationship where control objective input consists of PO10, AI1, AI2, AI3, AI7, DS7 and its result control objective consists of AI7, DS4, DS8, DS9, DS11, DS13; DS7; and DS7.  

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