Ardy Erdiyanto, Andi Sunyoto


Requirement for automation in jobs and daily life now is more required. Automation gives the role particurarly in terms of time eficiency. One of the field that required the automation is in medical, especially for the blood cel analysis l.Discussion in this paper focused on the automation of red blood cell count,Today , there are manyred blood cell count with a manual . Calculation of the manual method has some weakness, like need extra time, poor on documentation, and not consistent about the result of calculation.The purpose of writing this paper is to design and build digital image processing application that serves to calculate the number of red blood cells, and is expected to have a small error rate. Image processing operations to be used in applications is the morphological operations, which are quite effective in getting the shape features of an object. To know the reliability of applications, testing was conducted with ten images of red blood cell with its own characteristics.

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