Mochammad Rochmad, Riyanto Sigit, Mochamad Mobed Bachtiar


Different ways to help people with disabilities. Among
others is to help hand and foot disabled people to read on
the computer. In order not to depend on others, it needs a
tool used for example to read on a computer monitor. In
this discussion, I do face-detection and then continued
eye-detection. Eye motion will be used to continue
reading on computer monitor. The process used in this
system, eye detection is done one of the eyes only the left
eye is captured by a camera connected to the computer
(camera on the laptop). With Haar- Cascade detection
and searching for the midpoint of the eye then in detect
the position of the iris. The position of the iris of the eye
determines the movement of the computer monitor that is
when the eyeball is looking to the left without the
movement of the head, the monitor page will shift left.
Similarly, if the eyes see the right without head
movement, then the monitor page shifted right. Each
monitor-page is different, for example a hand and foot
defect that can not be enabled is reading “Al Quran” on
the computer
Keywords: disable, eye-detection, Haar-Cascade, monitorpage

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