Daris Ibnu Muharom, Melwin Syafrizal


The ability of the switch using LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) is very limited, because the sensor LDR rely on sunlight intensity, so that sometimes the lights with LDR sensor will light up in case of overcast. Therefore we need technology that can be used as an alternative technology of switch LDR. The authors then find a concept that is an automatic switch-based real-time clock and then the writer to do the design tool. This device consists of ATMEGA16 as the main controller, DS1307 as timing controllers, relays instead of function switch, 12V DC adapter as a voltage source, LCD and keypad for the interface, and the casing for the safety and convenience of use. This automatic switch meiliki four relays so that one can control the automatic scalar four lighting points. The way it works is, the user must set the time when the switch will connect passage and when the switch will be disconnected via the keypad and display via LCD. Suppose the user set the time connected at 17.00 then cut off time is 21:00. then the number will be stored as a variable in the ATmega16, ATmega16 then call functions that are controlled real time clock IC DS1307. When the value of the real time clock is met then automatically atmega16 will call relay circuit and will connect or disconnect relay. From the test results, obtained conclusion that this tool can be used as an alternative technology replacement LDR switch, the advantages of this tool can not only be implemented as a switch outdoor lights like LDR, but can also be implemented as an indoor light switch.


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