Intisari / Abstract
A game, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool. Key components of games are goals, rules, challenge, and interaction. Games generally involve mental or physical stimulation, and often both. Many games help develop practical skills, serve as a form of exercise, or otherwise perform an educational, simulational, or psychological role.
Game maze is a type of game that could be considered old-fashioned, but this type of game is still enjoyed in your spare time, and there are many games that use the concept of the labyrinth.
Blender is free software, that can be used to implement a labyrinth game with a low polygon modeling because blender has the ability like pay aplikasi tough. Blender has a lot of ability ranging from 3D modeling, rendering, shading, 3D animation, to 3D game development as a whole.
Teks Lengkap:
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