Salimatun Musarofah, Sudarmawan Sudarmawan

Intisari / Abstract

Android operating system is now in demand by the public. Since Android is open source and makes it easy for developers or users to create an application that is useful for people, institutions or private. As the application of financial records that are intended for sale furniture store ”Sinar Baru”.

In every sales transaction, of course it needs the data for monitoring the progress of business. It is also done by the store ”Sinar Baru”. In each transaction, the business owners are always doing things in the book recording the financial statements. Registration is he doing to find out how many items are sold, determining the selling price, the cost of mortgage buyers, the advantages as well as when and how many items can it message to the supplier. If the notebook has run out, then the data is re-used must be recorded in a new book. It was very inconvenient when the data are recapitulated very much. Moreover, if the notebook is lost, then the sales transaction activity is inhibited.

To overcome these problems then made this application as a substitute for the record books of account that can be applied to the smartphone. With this application, a business owner can make record data effectively and efficiently without fear of running out of paper. Business owners can perform data input, data storage without fear of doing recording and perform data quickly for unused data again. In this application note, the owner of the business or the user is expected to make record easily, effectively so that transactions done can run smoothly.

Teks Lengkap:



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