Intisari / Abstract
Now it is very difficult to get a job, especially in big cities such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung and others. Where in the major cities are very tight competition in getting a job. Besides the difficulty of finding a job is also affected by a series of tests that must be passed to obtain a job. One of the tests is quite difficult to deal with is the psychological test.
Psychological test is a test to measure the psychological aspects of the individual. The purpose is to measure the psychological test on a wide range of possible mental ability of people and supporting factors such as achievement, ability, personality, learning style, intelligence, interests and talents. Therefore, psychological company needs to know how the character and ability of emplooye candidates.
Through this study, the authors wanted to build an Android-based application that can be used to practice psychological test is "Learning Psychotest". Application Learning Psychotest will have several features including psychological training issues, guide how to do the psycho test, and tips about psychological test. This application is expected later can help users of mobile devices based on android who wants to learn and practice the psychological test. This Psychotest Learning Applications will be made using the App Inventor beta. With App Inventor beta, we can create an android application without using coding.
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