Eko Yuli Kurniawan, Hanif Al Fatta

Intisari / Abstract

The rapid technological advances that make computers a viable alternative to help do the job almost every field. Do not rule out the possibility if someone was bored when too long in front of the computer. PC games or games that use computer media is an entertainment application in the computer to reduce the saturation of the computer user and an entertainment for those who play it.

Flash game genre is essentially no different from the electronic genre in general. In this study, we will use the genre Slide scrolling all characters can move in all directions followed by background motion. Basic rules of this game that players will be using the mouse and the keyboard to move the character and rescue helicopter from enemy attacks and bringing them to the fort. To move the character can use the mouse to click on a character and then determine the direction and running characters, to shoot and take people, use the Space key and the Ctrl key on the keyboard, to save the people and brought into the fort. The enemy will move and pursue follow the direction of the player. When you successfully complete the mission it will get a bonus level 1000. For each time destroying a small tank it will get score 45. As for the tank was 80, and for a 100. If you successfully complete the mission then the score will be in total.

To build this game, use Macromedia Flash 8 and other supporting software such as Adobe Flash, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Audition. Game Bulwar Of Village using Action Script 2.0 as the script support.

Teks Lengkap:



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