Sidiq Wahyu Surya Wijaya, Arif Dwi Laksito

Intisari / Abstract

The growth of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) in Indonesia is very rapid. However, in terms of Customer Relationship Management, it is still few of UMKM which actually implement it. In fact, it can ensure that all customers have/use a mobile phone, either a normal mobile phone or smartphone, which should be used for the purposes of customer relationship management (Customer Relationship Management). One of these is the use of  SMS (Short Message Services) technplogy. Therefore, in this study will be done analysis and formulation of the SMS-Marketing application features  based on Customer Relationship Management Model that be proposed by Winer [1]. The objective is to analyze and formulate the application features of Customer Relationship Management refering to the model. Analysis and formulation approach of the features in this study adapt from research which are conducted by Budiardjo & Irwiensyah [2]. The results of this study are 23 formula features, those are consists of 5 features in the Create Database component, 4 features in Analysis component, 3 features in Customer Selection component, 2 features in Customer Targeting component, 4 features in Relationship Marketing component, 2 features in Privacy Issues component, 3 features in the Metrics component.

Teks Lengkap:



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