Dwianto Setiawan, Erik Hadi Saputra

Intisari / Abstract

UD TOYORIZ BUSINDO is a company engaged in business and office equipment selling. The companies still use fax, phone and other conventional means in process of ordering product. Currently the company is demanded to retain old customers due to increasing of business competition every year. The lack of complete information about the product and customers data utilization is a problems that appeared.

So it needs a business strategy which could give satisfaction to customers by applying the concept of Customer Relationship Management. The aim is to help company in giving services and related information of product to recruiting new customers, depending the exist and online service as the goal. The analysis technique using structural analysis, ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) and DFD (Data Flow Diagram) to illustrate the data model. While the programming language using PHP and MySQL database server.

The result of this research is to develop a CRM website based which has facilities to proper the needs of business also has a enough information so that customers can easily obtain the desired information. With the CRM application design, it’s expected to meet the needs of limited information and services, could provide benefits for both customers and the company.

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