Tuji Rochma Wati, Heri Sismoro

Intisari / Abstract

Technological developments in mobile devices is growing rapidly, the one that is popular today is Android. Android is an open operating system platform designed for mobile devices. The high interest and the amount of public enthusiasm to android application make a lot of developers to develop Android-based applications to provide full facilities to the community. Therefore the design of the world of plants book android application aims to make it easier to learn about the world of plant taxonomy.

Plantae has a diversity of plant species that are formed because of differences in the Earth's climate. The number of plant species was classified in the taxon (levels) that make up the world of plants (Plantae). Levels of classification in the plant world is divided into seven levels, namely kingdom, division, classis, order, family, genus, species. Grouping of each taxon based on similar physical characteristics possessed by each plant. With the android apps world of plants is expected to be one of the easy learning facility in conveying information about the world of plant taxonomy.

Conclusions after the analysis and design of the the world of plants book based android, successfully made. Its appearance a simple and informative. The world of plants book android application contains about 250 species of seed plants that grow in Indonesia. Applications can run on android devices from version 2.2 froyo (frozen yogurt) to version 4.3 Jelly Bean. This application can be one of the world's media to learn about the taxonomy of plants to the public.

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