Tonny Hidayat

Intisari / Abstract

Advances in information technology today has been supporting all the needs and requests for information through the creation of the media presentation of information. One form is, the information kiosk which is a merger between the computer and multimedia. Information kiosks to provide facilities for visitors to obtain more detailed information, because the presentation of the information is displayed visually.

Multimedia is the use of technological developments by combining text, images, sound, video and animation. Application of multimedia in the information kiosk serves to convey information electronically by combining multimedia elements for the delivery of information become more attractive, then the processed data must be dynamic in order to produce information that is always up to date.

The results of this thesis is in the form of a method or technique in the development of information systems for data and information kiosks that is given is dynamic and can be updated remotely. Kiosk information system development method is useful for the owner, administrator or developer and the controlling party in the kiosk information systems manage data and information system. It is expected that in future this method can do more developed and useful in the development of multimedia information systems.

Teks Lengkap:



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