Ibnu Hadi Purwanto, Agus Purwanto

Intisari / Abstract

The development of the digital age more rapidly, especially in the making of the music video. A variety of models and design presented in the making of the music video. Analogue to digital era changes also adds to the ease in making music videos. The use of a live shoot and motion tracking is a technique that will be used in the making of this music video.

According to the theme of the Band applying Lifely story that was in the music video, will produce an interesting product. The concept of the music video is set in a light and fun to eat. The concept of vintage retro-style story that made this music video is richer. This music video tell me about the experience of personnel in the band reaching lifely adulation, but nothing like what is expected and ultimately wrong love. It is supported by a shooting that is filled with variety. The cinematography technique of shooting is also very important. The addition of motion tracking on this music video will add to the richness of the story's in this music video. Taking pictures using the camera DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflect) which has the resolution of HD Video (High Difination).

Tools used in the production of the music video includes cameras, lighting, slider, and other support tools. Adobe Premiere CC and Adobe After effects CC as well as Adobe Photoshop is software editing and composite on the creation of this music video.

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