Intisari / Abstract
The main goal of the Indonesian bureaucratic reform that began in the collapse of the Orde Baru in 2008 was the creation of good governance and clean government. The main point of the implementation of good governance is to create public satisfaction with the service held. Lately it has become government policy that in each unit in its performance assessment, one through the Public Satisfaction Index (IKM). In DIY, there are still people who upset the post-reform public services.
This research intends to explore the data in the Department of Licensing to determine the elements of public service and the appropriateness of treatment is done during this time. The research begins by collecting data followed by analysis of Data mart, and perform data mining using WEKA application with the J48 algorithm.
The results of this research could form 6 Data mart. The process of data mining research license revealed the presentage of public service elements that affect the level of Correctly Class ified Instances in about 89.7476% to the IMB permit, 82.4128% to the HO permits, 89.0122% to the Business License permits, 80 517% to the TDP permits, and 93.1412% to the other permits.
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