Rona Guines Purnasiwi, Mei P. Kurniawan

Intisari / Abstract

The rise of computer technology into the multimedia world that have now been used as a media/tools to create a design, audio, animation, text and images included in multimedia applications. With the multimedia science included, among others, have (Audio and Video Player) as a means to enjoy the moving images, but also as a means medium or tool to perform editing movies / videos such as making video animation, documentaries, indie films and FTV.

The advantages of this animated video is to use a masking technique that was rarely used in the manufacturing process as well as the time of making an animated video that does not take too much time. In addition, this video will also help the process of understanding the environmental damage effect to the people. In this animated video creation are still many shortcomings, such as the author of the image limited to be used as an ingredient for the manufacture of animation, this paper is designed using Adobe After Effects CS6 applications for video editing and other applications such as Adobe Photoshop CS6.

Teks Lengkap:



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