Achmad Kusprianto, Kusnawi Kusnawi

Intisari / Abstract

Student information system based sms gateway is a system that provides information on school students that can be accessed via a mobile phone with SMS format specified. So, students or parents can access information from the school without having to come directly to the school. This application is a desktop base. The development of this technology is here to provide easiness of the implementation of teaching and learning in schools.

SMS gateway application will help to solve it on the news - important news about the students and the school can be obtained almost every day through text, let alone the parents or guardians of students who belong to a busy, sometimes invited sekolah pun not necessarily be present. For that system comes with several service concepts are: 1) Presenting information daily test results, 2) Presents information log entry was not a student. 3) As the broadcast media to disseminate announcements about school activities. Software is created by using Microsoft Visual Basic 6 as his tool and MySQL as the database.

The results of this service concept, students can access the information from the school without having to come directly to the school, please just send an SMS to the service information by SMS format that has been specified, it will automatically respond directly by student information system. The procedure is the same as a regular SMS sending, but SMS format specified by the system. So students can access information from the school at any time and anywhere.

Teks Lengkap:



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