Singgih Yulianto, Hanif Al Fatta

Intisari / Abstract

Game puzzle game is one kind of special. Generally this type game requires players to solve the reliability of logic unique issues that had been prepared beforehand. The theme can vary as matching colors, create a path, a separate pair. Game match images, or so-called matching pairs game or many games included in edutainment. Game can be found in the features of a mobile phone.

Game The Burger's Errand is a puzzle type game. Players in this game have to deliver burgers according to customer orders. This game consists of 3 levels with different difficulty levels based on the time and number of burgers to be delivered. The higher level of play, then the burger in between the more.

The purpose of this game is to hone agility users use the mouse. The stages in the research conducted using multimedia development. The software used is Adobe Flash CS3 and CorelDraw X5.

Teks Lengkap:



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