Analisis Kinerja dan Perancangan Ulang Jaringan Lab Sekolah Menggunakan Cisco Packet Tracer

Ria Andriani, Baharun Ghozali


Service quality is the ability of a network to provide traffic services through it. From observations and analyzes that have been done at SMK N 1 Mondokan that the quality of internet network services is still not good. Knowing how important the quality of network services is to smoothen the work and learning process at SMK N 1 Mondokan, and so far there has not been held a measurement of how good the quality of service that should be had, then the main problem that is addressed in this research is "Performance analysis and redesign school lab network ". Cisco Packet Tracer is a device that will be used as a simulation medium in this study. While the delay, packet loss, throughput, and bandwidth available on the network, are the parameters that will be used as a benchmark of the quality of the network under study. Based on the results of observations and analysis, factors that affect the level of service quality of the network, will be influenced by factors: attenuation, distortion, noise and bandwidth capacity of the Lab network at SMK N 1 Mondokan.


Network Quality; Bandwidth; Throughput; Delay; Packet Loss

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