Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi E-Posyandu Pada Posyandu Watukarung Berbasis Mobile Application

Ike Verawati, Rahmat Tri Kuncoro


Posyandu Watukarung is one of the Posyandu that conducts integrated health service activities in Sleman. One form of posyandu services in Watukarung is to monitor the development of toddler depicted in the graph in the form of a Kartu Menuju Sehat (KMS). Recording of toddlers data which is done manually and carried out by more than one officer can result in data reductions, resulting in invalid reports. Under-maintenance KMS by parents which results in damage or lost KMS causes posyandu officers to have difficulties when validating toddler data.

By reviewing the things that have been described above, the authors plan to create an E-Posyandu information system at the posyandu using the SDLC information system development method. The author uses PIECES analysis, UML, interface design and database design.

The resulting application is a website application for posyandu officers, then an Android-based E-Posyandu application is used for toddlers' parents. Website application is intended to input and manage toddlers data. While the Android system is intended for monitoring the development of toddlers. This information system can provide information on recording immunizations, administering vitamin A, determining the nutritional status of infants and displaying the development of toddler weight and toddler length in graphical form.

Keywords :

Kartu Menuju Sehat (KMS), Android, E-Posyandu, Graphical.

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