Perancangan Sistem Informasi Rak Buku Perpustakaan Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta

Raditya Wardhana, Ade Pujianto


The AMIKOM Yogyakarta University Library or the so-called AMIKOM Resource Center is one library that has a collection of various books, literature, magazines and complete references on information technology, economics, management, programming, to multimedia. Library visitors can read directly the library collection in the library after finding the desired book. But in practice, especially visitors who are first time visiting, have difficulty in finding the desired collection. After checking the availability of the desired book on a special computer that is provided for library search, the information obtained in addition to the book's details is only limited to the number of books available, while information on the location of the bookshelf is also important. Referring to this understanding, this study examines the web-based library information system design of AMIKOM Yogyakarta University library using protoyping tools using Adobe XD. The findings in this study are 1) The structure of the information system is made as easy as possible for web developers to understand; 2) Administrator page designed to update bookshelf information; 3) Design a dynamic and interactive information system interface.

Keywords: Information Systems, Web-Based, Library, Bookshelves

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