Rancangan Prototype Sistem Peringatan Dini Gangguan Pembatas Arus Listrik Pada PHB-TR Menggunakan Sensor Tegangan Berbasis SMS Gateway

Bimo Putra Prakoso, Joko Dwi Santoso


Disruption rupture of NH FUSE or delimiter the electrical current in the PHB-TR if not quickly dealt necessarily lead to losses, voltage below the standards that cause eletronic eqiupment be easily damaged, and distribution equipment PLN asset that will also be damaged transformer. One of the important factor it can happen is delay the received information by PLN officer and customers do not immediately repot to the office of PLN. Early warning system disruption rupture of NH FUSE using a voltage sensor-based SMS gateway, designed to provide information as early as possible disturbance, aims to can be handled quickly so that damage to electronic equipment customers and transformer PLN asset can be minimized.


Keywords :

Disruption of NH FUSE, Microcontroller, SMS Gateway

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