Pemanfaatan Augmented Reality Sebagai Media Promosi Pada Katalog Menu Produk Ice Cream Arlecchino Gelato Berbasis Android

Andrian Lutfi Saputra, Bhanu Sri Nugraha


Arlecchino Gelato shop in containing the catalog menu offerings are still using the product with a menu navigation manual so thick and the few meeting room table. Thus making comfort and lessincrease consumer appeal. Lack of consumer appeal due to the way the promotion and application of the menu is still monotone which uses a thick manual and menu book can only be viewed from one angle only. The other thing is time, the customer in selecting the type of ice cream tend to be long, because in choosing ice cream customers often ask about the form of ice cream and toppings than selected. It will be a little time-consuming, because the waiter can receive another customer.

In this thesis, the researcher tried to analyze the problem issues that exist. Researchers used qualitative research methods to get the data correct, accurate and relevant. Using multimedia software development methods SDLC. Perform the design concept, design, material collecting, perancagan user interfaces and UML design.

The resulting application is Augmented Reality applications "Arlecchino", which is an AR application to provide an overview as well as a media campaign rather than a menu of ice cream Arlecchino gelato to customers in 3D in order to simplify, clarify, shorten the time of service and improve customer appeal against a menu of ice cream in Arlecchino Gelato Shop.


Keywords :

application, android, Augmented Reality, 3D (three dimension), ice cream, Arlecchino Gelato

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