Aplikasi Panduan Budidaya Okra Sistem Penjadwalan Alarm Otomatis Berbasis Android Dengan Thunkable

Helmy Ashari, Ali Mustopa


Okra plants, especially the fruit is powerful for prevention of diabetes but in Indonesia is still rarely encountered farmers who cultivate it because of lack of knowledge about okra. Okra fruit is still a little market and the price is rather expensive. Therefore a good opportunity for farmers who want to patch income. Therefore required an appropriate information media to guide farmers in the process of cultivation of okra. Mobile application android system is considered appropriate because it will be implemented on android smartphone. In this thesis, researchers try to analyze the existing problems. Using SDLC waterfall development method. Performing the process model using UML model, application design, database design, interface design, and relationships between tables. The resulting application is in the form of android prototype which is intended to provide an overview to the farmers and the community about good and correct cultivation of okra plants and the scheduling feature of cultivation activities with alarm notification automatic. So that the farmers and the community no longer need to create a schedule of cultivation activities okra.


Keywords :

Android, Okra, Development, Analysis,Smartphone, Design, and Database.

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