Hermadanti Widya Febriana, Emha Taufiq Luthfi

Intisari / Abstract

Ethnic diversity makes Indonesia rich in diverse cultures. Indonesia's geographical differences can enrich cultural treasures. Including as shadow puppets, the traditional arts in Indonesia. Shadow puppets are more developed in the central and eastern Java.

Making educational game aims to introduce culture to the Indonesian shadow puppets especially children who will be the next generation. Because of the erosion of indigenous Indonesian culture with foreign cultures. So with more applicable learning methods, it is hoped the public, especially children - children can be more interested in getting to know their own culture.

Based on that, the authors attempted to  solve the above problems by providing solutions to help bring genuine Indonesian shadow puppets to children. Through these educational games, children will get information about shadow  puppets playing and not get bored because it comes with images, text, animation, video, and sound that allows users to interact.

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