Andika Saputra, Melwin Syafrizal

Intisari / Abstract

The use of email or electronic mail service is a new alternative media as one of the supporting medium of any communication activity between co-workers in the company or merely exchanging information in their daily lives to make a work activity more quickly and efficiently.

The design and implementation of the mail server on the CV. Sanjaya Anugerah Sejahtera (ISP Jogjaringan) based on open source systems to support the company's work and provide a new solution to communicate between kariyawan Jogjaringan to use the services on the system mail server, mail server with the system is expected to memberbaiki system work and be able to compile systematically from each division of the company.

Making the system's mail server using Ubuntu 10:04 64 bit server as a server operating system and Zimbra Open Source Edition Colaboration Suite as a Mail Transfer Agent. The use of open source-based system has to meet the needs of companies where the Zimbra mail server with fiture reminder service work, note any work activities, live chat services, social media, and with the ease of data sharing is to meet the needs of the working system Jogjaringan. In making diawalai mail server system with manufacturing systems with ubuntu 10.04 server 64 bit later to give naming server system supporting the necessary elements such as Domain Name System bind9 which serves as a system that provides the addressing on the server system, after the end of the installation process zimbra mail transfer agent, so that the system can mail servers running optimally is better in the server there is only one server sitem only.

Teks Lengkap:



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