Andika Agus Slameto

Intisari / Abstract

STMIK AMIKOM Laboratory section in Yogyakarta as the laboratory Manager currently has two web-based information system is being used. The first is the Inventory information systems laboratory (SIIL), where this system handles things about stock inventory or equipment and supporting practical components. The system is run by a coordinator of the Hardware. The second is Reporting damage to information systems laboratory (SIPKL), in which this system works gives information of all forms of damage that occurs in the laboratory. This system is run by the whole officer Laboran. Because the two systems running singly, then access to information on the amount of equipment and components become more time consuming. Expected from Laboran is when access to SIPKL can find out the amount of stock the laboran equipment and components related to the damaged equipment and components so that it can take decisions.

See the above, needed further integration of the two systems of the different information so that it can provide a quick, accurate information, complete and integrated without having to change the existing system. In this study researchers proposed an integration of process planning information system as a strategy of development information for The laboratory of STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta to fit the needs of your organization using the Service Oriented Architecture approach (SOA) in the process of the integration of information systems.

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a way of designing applications using components or existing services without having to change the existing system. Requires only the addition of modules that are used to integrate the system or in other words arranged in the form of modules (modular). SOA is more appropriate to integrate heterogeneous systems and easier to adapt to changing environments, more efficient and effective. One form of implementation of SOA is web services technology where data exchange can be made possible between different application platforms. This technology is widely applied to applications that are web-based.

SOA approach to integration process between analysis and implementation as well as SIPKL SIIL technology web service then this research was later expected to produce the required information SIPKL where such information is already available at SIIL so you can help the decision making in the Act of handling problems of computer

Teks Lengkap:



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