Hartatik Hartatik, I Ketut Putra Yasa

Intisari / Abstract

One-empon empon plant that is widely used by the public as an ingredient in traditional medicines or herbs in the Java language is ginger (Zingiber officinale R.). Efficacy of ginger were so many and the price is quite high in the market, making ginger into one of the many crops planted by farmers in Indonesia. Compared to other medicinal plants, ginger is a plant that is quite often affected by pests. Bayes theorem is one of the algorithms that can be used to make a diagnosis based on the ginger plant with visible symptoms on plants.

 The system will ask you some questions all the symptoms experienced by the ginger plant when bacterial wilt disease, rhizome rot or leaf spot. The results of the user answers will be calculated by Bayes theorem to obtain a probability value to the three diseases. Obtained from testing if the user input only 2 kinds of symptoms, ie leaf yellowing and leaf curl obtained probability value for each disease are: Bacterial wilt of 0.28; Rhizome Rot of 0.156 and 0.562 for leaf spots. Value will be the greatest probability of disease diagnosis that may be experienced by the ginger plant. From the results obtained possibility ginger plant leaf spotting diseases with a probability value of 0.562.

Teks Lengkap:



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