Arif Dwi Laksito

Intisari / Abstract

Tremendous internet development has brought many changes on information flow. Information exchange which formerly time consuming and limited by geographically border, is now free from both problems. Web-service technology offers simplicity which bridges every single information without questioning on technology difference used by each sources. For example; one information site is build by using Oracle database while other site using MsSQL, then Web-service will solve this difference. 

By the using of web-service technology, an academic application is built; which facilitate three main service that is Study Plan Card filling, report of Study Result Form and report of Score Transcript. This academic application is built for facilitating student in filling the Study Plan Card. 

Based on this application, it is possible to build academic web-service which can handle Study Plan Card filling effectively. This is due to method or function which exists inside the server can be used for developing client application so that there is no need to do client application programming from the very beginning phase.

Teks Lengkap:



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