Dion Indra Mustofa, Bambang Sudaryatno

Intisari / Abstract

As the development of information technology from time to time which demands a different human being to continue to improve its ability in a variety of sectors that can support life, especially in education. Telukan 01 Elementary School is one of the public elementary school in the village Telukan Grogol Sukoharjo. Where is the data processing school students and teachers are still done manually.

Seeing constraint on SD Telukan Negeri 01, then the author makes application of data processing students and teachers to process data quickly and efficiently. Data processing applications created by software using Visual Basic 6.0 and SQL Server 2000 as a data storage medium (Database).

From the observations made can be concluded among other things: information that is complete, timely, accurate, fast, and obviously very helpful in providing a variety of information and decisions for Elementary School Telukan 01 Computerized System is designed for data processing students and teachers. And assist in preparing the student and teacher data reports that can provide accurate and timely for administrators or users of this system.

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