Rojali Soni Afandi, Erik Hadi Saputra

Intisari / Abstract

The cafe is one of the places that many enjoyed by young people. In Yogyakarta there are many cafes with a wide range of facilities that provide comfort for visitors. But not all the cafes provide service for 24 hours, and the delivery of information about the cafe with a 24-hour service is still lacking. The only information obtained from mouth to mouth and rely on the Internet web.

One medium that can be used to facilitate providing information that is using mobile smartphones based on Android. In the application named Info Kafe 24 Jam Jogja is a android based application developed to provide information about the cafe with a 24-hour service in Yogyakarta.

With the application of Info Kafe 24 Jam Jogja is expected to be an application that can help make it easy for users to find information about.

Teks Lengkap:



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