Wahyu Aji Siswanto, Heri Sismoro

Intisari / Abstract

Technology development at this very quickly and move forward. One is in the Internet field. Currently almost all areas need the internet as a source of information and telecommunications are fast and efficient so that the use of the Internet has become a very important requirement for some classes of society. Technological progress is evident with our easier access to internet via computers and mobile phones so that the need for information and telecommunications can be done by anyone, anytime, and anywhere. So to say that the Internet has entered almost every area of our lives.

In connection with the above, then the PT Asuransi Jiwasraya saw an opportunity to make a complaint handling system for employee performance ease of web-based. After doing research on the division of information technology (IT) Jiwasraya, there are problems in the handling of complaints from employees about the damage to the device which include information technology hardware, software, network connection and others. Handling the IT division conducted using the manual method and the handling of complaints are closed. Then be made Jiwasraya technical support information system using programming language PHP and MySQL as data storage.

The advantages of using this web based information system is give easy for users to access the system wherever they are. Users were already accustomed to using web-based system. Users can access through the website of the parent PT Asuransi Jiwasraya. Given this system, users with different levels can use the facilities already available in accordance with their needs.

Teks Lengkap:



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