Raras Rizky Umaira, Rum Muhamad Andri KR

Intisari / Abstract

Information is one of the most important needs in modern eratoday's. People will be  more  easy  to get  the  desired  information  through  various  media,  one  of which  is  the Internet media. Almost most people use the Internet as a primary option in the search for information  easily  accessible  and  up  to  date.Internet  has  been  widely  used  by organizations  to  support  the  success  of  the  activity,  one  of  which  is  education organization.  Education  organization  as  a  school  need  a  website  as  a  medium  of information to support effective implementation of academic activities without knowing the limitations  of  space  and  time,  so  that  students  and  the  public  can  access  at  any  time without having to go to school to get an information update. In addition to the information media,  the  web  site  can  also  be  used  as  a  media  campaign  to  introduce  the  school  to attract prospective new students to the school.

With  the  implementation  of  information  system  in  the  from  of  a  website  on  the internet  MA  Anwarul  Quran  Demak,  is  expected  to  be  a  medium  of  information  for students, teachers, staff and community al large wearing MA Anwarul Quran Demak and can be a media campaign for the MA Anwarul Quran Demak in introducing the school to the public.

This  website  will  connect  to  MySQL  database  so  that  the  data  can  be  stored  in the database up to date easily and quickly when it will be shown on the site. This website will  also be listed on commercial hosting to be known and accessible to the public.

Teks Lengkap:



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