Abdur Rofiq, Kusnawi Kusnawi

Intisari / Abstract


Given too the lack of parental today about his religious education, and young people are too familiar now with the electronic media, the need for an application to help parents to educate their children in matters of religion. The trend of young people today are using mobile phones smartphone. There are so many smartphones with features that exist in it can seize almost all of the time children everyday just to interact with applications on the smartphone.

Based on the reasons above, the application to be designed is a android based application. Applications called Introduction and Deepening Pillars of Islam. With the goal of helping parents to provide religious education to children. The initial view of this application is a pillar of Islam menus, then if one of the pillars of Islam clicked will display a further explanation of these pillars, as well as a variety of harmony itself.

Application Recognition and Deepening Pillars of Islam can only be run on android OS at least version 2.2. This application was built using Eclipse as the primary software, SDK as the emulator and ADT as a liaison between the Eclipse and the SDK.

Teks Lengkap:



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