Nizar Haris Masruri, Andi Sunyoto

Intisari / Abstract

Technology in the field of robotics today has grown rapidly and is very extensive, has proven view of the implementation of robots in many areas. Robots can also replace work that can not be done by humans. The development of these technologies requires the emergence of an innovation of robots can be more useful, one of them as a security system.

In this thesis, has created an integrated robot named Cambot. Cambot is a robot that has the ability to search, mendektesi, and capture the movement of an object.

Cambot is an application of the science of Computer Vision using existing methods in the field of Image Processing. Cambot has a camera that serves as an eye, the robot is able to detect and capture the movement of an object. In addition, Cambot also equipped with two servo motors that can rotate to the right-left and up-down direction to move the camera to keep their eyes on the target. PC as image processing brain of Cambot is incoming charge, make decisions, and ordered to the control circuit to drive the robot parts in accordance with the conditions of the target. Cambot expected to be useful as a security system with a high degree of accuracy.

Teks Lengkap:



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