Bangkit Kurnia Ari Setyawan, Melwin Syafrizal

Intisari / Abstract

Nowadays the utilization of wireless-based technology has been developed, whether it’s for the usage of education or for benefit of commercial needs. FORTRAN internet cafe is one of internet shops utilizing this technology. However behind the popularity of this technology there some fragility that needs to be fixed. The fragility of the technology is that it’s susceptible of assaults from attackers, it can be caused by the overly opened communication. Plated protection is needed in order to minimize the possibility of assaults.

FORTRAN internet cafe has been attempted to minimize the weakness of the technology by using capital portal (Open System Authentication). Authentication of this method is happening when the users accessing the internet for the first time. However, this method can’t guarantee that the wireless network is safe from the attackers’ assaults. Therefore it is necessary to do some trials to know and find the chances of the safety for this technology.

The trials that are done are MAC Address Spoofing and Man in the Middle Attack, where the MAC Address Spoofing is the one that’s successful. This shown that there is still possibility of safety for the wireless system at FORTRAN Internet Café, which is using MAC Address Spoofing. It is needed an added system to handle the existence of safety possibility. DecaffeinatID software as one of simple IDS (Intrusion Detection Server) kinds and User Isolation Method to prevent the clients to communicate with each other.

Teks Lengkap:



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