Sriani Sriani, Andi Sunyoto

Intisari / Abstract

Today, with the emergence of many new technologies flooding the world of information and technology. Distance and space for people who will not part with the development of technology that the longer  the more advanced, a wide range of equipment designed to meet the needs of people that help all human activities all over the world.

Tourism or tourism is a journey undertaken for recreation or leisure and also preparations for this activity. A traveler or tourist is someone who travels at least as far as 80 km (50 miles) from his home to recreational purposes, is defined by the World Tourism Organization. The use of GPS and mobile application is necessary especially in tourism tourist sites as a guide.

Mobile Application will be made in this study have features to provide guidance based on the cost of tourist sites owned by tourists. With the cost of which is owned, tourists can get information about tourist sites, hotels and public facilities.The implementation of this application is built  using the Android SDK, Android Development Tools, and Eclipse IDE. While the programming language used is Java.

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